Healing from loss- how to heal, recover from grief and live again. Brent Atwater's new Book Sept 2107

Healing from Loss

For 20+ years Brent Atwater's life changing techniques teach how to heal, recover from and live after loss. Brent's life purpose began after her fiance's death & the loss of her heart dogs.
Brent Atwater's Book will guide you step by step how to get your life back and then to Connect w People and Pets in the Afterlife.
You're never alone, don't keep Them waiting!

Book release Sept. 2017

Watch our upcoming Grief  + Gratitude Series
<3 gratitude="" series="" span="" style="font-size: large;">Brent'sYouTube Channel

Brent Atwater
Website: https://www.BrentAtwater.com
email: Brent@BrentAtwater.com or Healingfromloss@brentatwater.com