Animal medium Brent Atwater celebrity pet psychic gives deceased pet & animal intuitive readings on YouTube

Animal medium Brent Atwater celebrity pet psychic gives deceased pet & animal intuitive readings on YouTube Submit your questions and pet photos

Rules to participate:
1. Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
    and like My Facebook Page

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where  selected Videos will also be featured :)

Subscribers get notification of videos as soon as they are posted.  
DO NOT contact our office to ask if we have chosen your question

2. Attach 5 separate pet photo files in your email.
Embedded photos will be disqualified  READ THAT AGAIN
Photos should show your pets personality, attitude, activity and no glamour shots.

3. Submit the following:
Your name and Country
Your Pet's name
Photo of you and your pet to be used in the video

4. You may ask 1-3 questions. Simple questions with NO a,b,c parts or AND...DO NOT send a long story about your pet!

SUBJECTS for questions may be about
Animal Health and Healing
Animal Communication
Animal Energy, Contracts etc
Pet Transition,
Afterlife Signs
Animal Life after Death

OR just ask what your pet wants you to know!

Please Note: Because of the high volume of Submissions,

only a few will be selected for publication each month.

***BY submitting your entry you acknowledge that you are 18 years of age,
and agree to and understand the rules above,

and agree to let Brent Atwater use your information
on her website or other venues for public promotion and marketing.

5. Email to:

Brent Atwater Animal Medium
Animal Communication that Heals Hearts!
Authority on Animal Life after Death and Pet Reincarnation