FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE Deceased Cat 's animal communication- Animal tTalk straight from Pet Heaven.

The following are my actual posts from the Facebook Group Animal Reincarnation: Animals Life Beyond Death -Pet Loss Answers & Hope 

  • October 14, 2013

Brent Atwater  informed me that Faith would like the blue blanket when she returns. Could it possibly be the one in her room on the bed? (:
October 12, 2013

My pets not only remind me how important it is to hold on to life, but also how important it is to believe in the neverending love we share. They have strengthened my Faith ~ showing me that even when I thought it was the end, it was actually only the beginning. They can and DO return to us... and for that I am eternally grateful! I Hope everyone with heavy hearts tonight can find comfort in this.

  • October 11, 2013 


I invite you to come ask Your Pet reincarnation questions in our Facebook Group