RS Australian Blue Heeler Dog "walks in" to Finnish Lapphund.
An Example of the "Walk In" Animal Reincarnation Process

My name is Ann and I’m a Pet Ambassador of Hope! This is Darby and Riina's Never Ending Love Story! If you have more questions, please join our International Multilingual Animal Reincarnation Group on Facebook. I hope our story helps heal your heart and gives you Hope!
                                        Pet Reincarnation an example of the "Walk In" Process

                         from Brent Atwater's Book "I'm Home!" a Dog's Never Ending Love Story

Darby Walks into Riina

On August 27th 2005 at approximately 11:30 pm I held my special sweet heart dog Darby in my arms as the Vet helped her pass on. She was nine years old and I wanted oh so many more years with her. I wrote a poem after I got home from the vets office. I was completely devastated and could not imagine my life without Darby.   
   In October on a Sunday night, about 2 months after Darby passed; I was searching the internet on pet loss sites to help find some solace. I came across a web site that had a page on pet reincarnation I think I read that page at least a dozen times. I had never really thought about the possibility of pets reincarnating but I needed to know more.  

    First thing Monday morning I called the animal communicator that had this article on her site to set up an appointment with her for a consultation. I had to wait until the following Friday. That was a long week for me. Friday at the appointment time I called her.

When she answered the phone she was laughing and said that Darby is a chatter box and knew the appointment time and had been bugging her.
     She began to tell me things she could not possibly have known about Darby since I had not given her any information prior to the appointment. She was right on with so many things she told me. I was so emotional during this call. Close to the end of the session I asked her if Darby planned to return to me.
      She said absolutely and that Darby had been with me through many lifetimes. I was so excited and skeptical all at the same time. I had never dreamed this could happen. So I asked her, how does this happen? She said she felt there are a few ways this can happen.
     According to that communicator’s knowledge: One, you find a litter of puppies you are interested in and in that litter you pick a puppy. Another way is to find an older dog, not old, put older then a puppy. Another way is that a puppy will be born and Darby will guide you to her.
     I chose to look for a puppy that had made a “walk in” agreement with Darby. Then I was to contact the animal communicator and she would do a reading with
Darby and the puppy.  I could not imagine in my mind how this could possibly work.
     Darby had some requirements she told the animal communicator. Darby wanted to have a tail, be female again if possible, she did not want to be white and
she wanted to be healthy.
     When she was a little over a year old Darby had vaccinosis caused by her Rabies vaccine. I’d worked with Darby keeping her as healthy as possible for 8 + years. Her body finally gave up. Being healthy was very important to her.
      Personally, I had decided on getting a Finnish Lapphund. I had done a lot of research on the breed and knew this was the breed I wanted. Of course I picked a breed that is quite rare here in the US. I started contacting people in Finland. Now I do not speak Finnish so this was an adventure all by itself.

I had located a couple of litters through kennels I thought would be reputable. I had the animal communicator do a reading on a couple of puppies and the answer was they had not made a “walk in” arrangement with Darby.
     January of 2006 a litter was born in Denmark that I was very interested in and I contacted the owner who (thank heaven) spoke English. There were 12 pups in the litter, 7 females and 5 males. The owner and I had lots of conversations. She knew what I wanted in structure and temperament and of course a female. Finnish Lapphund temperaments are wonderful.

They are very sweet, kind and affectionate dogs just like my Darby is. Australian Cattle dogs can be a handful in many ways but my Darby was very sweet.
So as the puppies grew the owner sent me pictures every week and I looked at female puppy pictures. The puppy I picked was also the female that the puppy’s guardian had picked for me or thought I would like. It was a difficult decision since all the pups were very cute.
     Reincarnation is not a subject that many can embrace and I had not yet gone through the process so how could I feel with total assurance it can actually happen.
     One day I got brave and told the owner I was hoping this puppy would be my sweet Darby's reincarnated soul. She was so cool and totally believed in reincarnation.
     I contacted the animal communicator to do the reading for me to see if this puppy's soul had contracted with Darby to be the new reincarnation body. The answer was yes and the animal communicator said Darby was so excited and loved the little girl we had picked.
I was so very excited and began making arrangements to get the pup to the US. Several things happened that delayed getting her to. She finally arrived in Denver.

     Riina was not feeling too good when we got her. She had a bladder infection and an upper respiratory infection most likely due to the long flight and the climate change.   
     The first time I saw her I was very emotional and the thoughts of having my sweet Darby back was overwhelming. She was adorable. Knowing that Riina was not feeling very well, I asked the animal communicator to speak with Darby and tell her to wait until I got Riina over her health issues.
    I was told there is no time in heaven as it is here so not to worry. It was me that could hardly wait for this transition to begin.
     From the beginning Riina's temperament was very aloof with us. Very unlike puppy behavior, especially a Finnish Lapphund puppy.
     I watched her like a hawk and anticipated everything she did looking for any passed traits I could recognize of Darby. I kept thinking this is not going to happen because I saw nothing that I could recognize as a Darby trait.

Riina was a puppy that didn't want to play ball, give hugs or kisses, or care if she was with you. She pretty much did her own thing. She was very aloof. I came to realize and understand later there was a reason she was this way.
     If you think about it, why would Riina want to become attached to us when our agreement was to move on after Darby’s spirit “walked into” her body.
     One afternoon I was sitting on the couch and Riina had lain down in the hallway. I could see her from where I was sitting and I called her to me, clapping my hands and encouraging her to come to me. She just looked at me, typical Riina reaction. She didn't move and went off to sleep. In about 5 minutes she woke up and ran to me jumped on my lap, placed her legs around my neck and began kissing my face and pressed her little chest against me. Her tail was wagging like crazy. Talk about heart pounding emotion and the tears were streaming down my face.
     I KNEW IN MY HEART THIS WAS DARBY. This was the first sign the transition had begun. The next few months that followed I recognized more and more of Darby.        

There were times when I knew it was Riina one minute and Darby the next.  I asked the animal communicator why it was taking so long and she said that Darby’s spirit was indeed popping in and out of the delivery body.
      Since Riina and Darby have very strong personalities
sometimes the “walk in”  and “soul braiding” process will take more time (some soul transitions happen right away while others can take months), for each of the participating soul’s to adjust to their initial agreement.
      One afternoon I had Riina outside with me and I threw the ball for her to chase. Now Riina would just look at me as if to say if you want it you go get it. Well this afternoon Riina did the Darby roo roo, fetched the ball and brought it back to me and was ready to go again with another roo roo, which means throw the ball. That was a definite Darby trait she did all the time in her past life.
      Other things that Darby used to do was after she had eaten, she would pick up her bowl and bring it to me as if to say (got anymore)? One evening right after feeding, she brought her dish to me. I knew that was Darby. Another trait was when I was sitting she would rest her head on my knee and stare into my eyes with so much love.  Rinna soon became so affectionate, happy, content and always at my side.  I was thrilled!    

I am blessed to have Darby show so many traits from her past life to me. In the beginning or when the transition began, it was so obvious to my husband and me when Darby was with us and when Riina was here. Definite things that Darby used to do she was doing them again all on her own.

More resources for Pet Lovers:

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Books on Pet reincarnation:
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Brent Atwater Pet Loss & Animal Reincarnation Fan Page
Rainbow Bridge Reincarnation Wristband

Radio shows: Listen to “Alive Again” about pet reincarnation.
Other Facebook Groups
Pet Health Q & A Facebook Group

Pages:Celebrating a Pets Never Ending Love for Believers!

Brent Atwater