Dead Pets provide Healing for the Living l Brent Atwater

Dead Pets provide Healing for the Living

How can Animals that have passed on help those left behind?
(This is NOT a pet psychic Animal Communicator “Dr. Doolittle talks to the animals”!)

Popular USA shows like the Long Island Medium with Theresa Caputo, programs on TLC, Lifetime, ABC and others dealing with messages from human departed loved ones demonstrate there's a genuine and growing interest in after death communication and the Afterlife. 
Pets are part of the extended family, so let’s hear what they have to say.
Unlike Animal Planet’s reality show stars on River Monsters or Pitbulls & Parolees, the Animal Medium stars are the “talking dead.” These Pets have compelling reasons to share their messages and lessons to teach from the Other Side.
Brent Atwater the Animal Medium has been talking with and seeing Pet Spirits (who have “vacated their pet suit”) for almost 20 years. Thru Brent’s connection deceased Animals provide very specific emotionally intimate details that bring comfort, answer questions and provide peace and closure for their loved ones. Pets also deliver very straightforward often jaw dropping insights with life changing directives for those grasping for ways to move forward.  Each episode is always OMG dramatic, ever changing, sometimes outrageous, tearfully touching, inspiring and heartwarming.

Even Skeptics are surprised by what their fur, feathered or finned family members have to tell them. These interactive communications with dead animals also create persuasive evidence that the perception of Death is not final.

The show can take place in private homes, Pet rich environments, interviews at graveside or during the aftermath of a weather disaster when frantic pet parents are seeking to discover the fate of their fur children.  I don’t know anyone who hasn’t lost a special pet, do you?

To learn more and for Demo reels - Contact:          
O: 404-242-9022 USA

Andrew Velcoff, Attorney,   Greenberg Traurig,   Atlanta, GA 30305
T +1 678.553.2100
F +1 678.553.2212 

Video links:

*  Sizzle: Brent Atwater       password atlas89

   2 demos + Pete the Peeing Pug:
 Yorkie at Dog Park likes Wine:

* Health Reading Animal Shelter:
* Canada's Global TV's Documentary:

IF you're not bored here's a fun me talking about readings &
How I do them :

Video BIO:

Brent Atwater
the Animal Medium™ Animal Communication that Helps Heal Hearts!
Authority on Animal Life after Death and Pet Reincarnation